Tomorrow’s Business Today #2morrow2day

With today’s rising levels of Youth Unemployment, AEGEE-Valletta’s Tomorrow’s Business Today #2morrow2day event, held recently, pushed for the idea of Youth Entrepreneurship as a solution to this ever persistent problem. With MEP Miriam Dalli, Education Minister Evarist Bartolo, Mr. David Curmi from the Chamber of Commerce and students from across campus this event brought together key stakeholders in the entrepreneurial field for open discussions about what is currently available, and what has yet to improve in this field.

Addressing the audience MEP Dalli said she was happy to see such a large turnout of students interested in the cause, and hoped to see the spread of entrepreneurship amongst young people here in Malta. She also commented on the need to provide young people with the skills and know-how to make a truly thriving business, securing a better future for our country.

Speaking on the current mind-set of the education system locally, Minister Evarist Bartolo said that it is important to work on changing our current education system which “shackles” the entrepreneurial spirit as opposed to encouraging and improving it. He also spoke about the need for the students’ voice to be heard at more than just on special occasions, but rather at all times. There should no longer be a society that “reward[s] silence and conformist thought”.

President of the Chamber of Commerce David Curmi then spoke on the fact that there are no losers when entrepreneurship is concerned. New businesses create jobs, revenue and potential for investments. He went on to say that the problems faced by young people come from three different stages, namely the familiar level (that is to say, the cultural background and societal norms the young people are exposed to), the economic levels which tends to put entrepreneurship as a risk, as opposed to a career, and finally the state level, with problems of bureaucracy slowing the process for those willing to try new things.

Following these speeches a panel discussion was carried out with several other experts in the field who discussed issues of Net Neutrality, European Union schemes that are put in place to help young people by the and the differences and challenges faced when opening a local business as opposed to an international one.

This event was the first of several organised by AEGEE-Valletta with MEP Dalli, aimed at promoting Youth Entrepreneurship. This project will then take a European Dimension when the reports and recommendations discussed in Malta will be compared and discussed with hundreds of European youths during a youth conference which is partly funded by the Ministry for Finance and is to be held later on this year.

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