Brief overview
- Takes place during the Summer months
- With over 70 events to choose from
- Each event lasts between 1-4 weeks in most of the cities that AEGEE is present.
- 20 – 50 young Europeans from all over Europe together in one event!
- Cost is approximately 70 euro for one week, 140 euro for 2 weeks.
Understanding and exploring the multicultural dimension of the European continent, removing national borders, fighting for tolerance and creating open-minded citizens are some of the reasons young Europeans from all over Europe come together in each Summer University to taste the diversity of multiculturalism.
What should you expect?
Your Summer University could motivate you to:
- Learn a foreign language (see more info under the language courses),
- Get in touch with the Finnish culture, spanish history, greek mythology and many more
- Learn new skills like how to sail, photography courses, hiking in the Polish woods, windsurfind, abseiling, belly and latin dancing and so many more!
- Moreover, each Summer University follows a concrete theme throughout its duration that can be related to European Integration, International Politics, Active Citizenship, Education, Culture, Peace, Personal Development and many more.
In a Summer University you will be given the chance to:
- taste different food,
- to listen to different music,
- to dance with that music and at the end
- love it,
- be good friends with people from different countries and then arranging trips together,
- you will learn to say “hi” in another 20 languages,
- you will feel free,
- you will love,
- you will experience,
- you will learn new things,
- you will do things you hadn’t imagined…
- You will feel the AEGEE spirit,
- you will feel what is a SU!
Different types of SU
Language Course (LC)
If you like to learn a language, the Language Course is the perfect SU for you! Our language courses are organised by AEGEE locals. They last 2 weeks and give the participants the chance to learn a language during at least 16 hours of tuition. The fee of 70 Euros/week includes tuition, lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social programme. In case you speak a language and like to improve your knowledge, maybe this kind of SU will interest you.
Language Course Plus (LC+)
The language course plus is mostly the same as the previous one with the great difference that during its duration of two to four weeks, participants receive at least 20 hours of intensive language tuition by professional teachers. The fee of 90 Euros/week includes tuition, lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social programme.
Summer Course (SC)
The Summer Course is a course about a specific topic related to local culture that does not focus on learning a language. It has a duration of two to four weeks. Participants receive at least 10 hours of tuition. The fee of 70 Euros/week includes tuition, lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social program.
Summer Event (SE)
The Summer Event is at least 7 days long. It’s about a specific topic or general interest, with no specific course organized (no tuition hours). It is a great opportunity for intercultural dialogue and understanding the customs and the traditions of one country. The fee of 70 Euros/week includes lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social programme.
Travelling Summer University (TSU)
The Travelling Summer University is organized by two or more locals. During the 2-4 weeks of cultural trip through a part of Europe, the group stays in at least 4 different places. There is no course provided, the aim of this event is to enjoy the different lifestyles and cultures of the places visited. The fee of 90 Euros/week includes lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm), travel costs from the first to the last place mentioned in the programme, and a social programme.
Duration and Dates
From one to three weeks. The usual duration is two weeks. All SUs are held between June and September.
What’s included in the price?
- Accommodation during the whole event.
- Meals: Two per day of which at least one is warm. Vegetarian, non-pork food and other special requeriments will be provided.
- Transportation during the event, tickets to recreational sites, cultural landmarks, activities, museums … and everything else included in the program. And of course the parties!
What is not included in the price?
- Transportation (plane, train …) to where you are going to participate in a SU.
- Activities not included in the program. Some SU can offer a unique activity for an extra fee (for example, entry to a water park), which is optional anyway.
When can you apply!
Applications will open in March every year. Send us an email on if you are interested to receive more information in March!